John Earner

Founder & CEO, Space Ape Games

John Earner, Founder and CEO of Space Ape Games

John Earner has built two influential social and mobile games companies in his career so far – Playfish and Space Ape Games. Playfish was an early pioneer of social gaming, and was acquired by EA for $300m in 2009, with Earner acting as Playfish’s VP Product at the time.

As founder and CEO of Space Ape Games, he has had hits in the mobile gaming sector with Beatstar and Chrome Valley Customs. In 2017, mobile gaming powerhouse Supercell acquired a majority stake in the company.

Earner holds a BSc in Industrial Engineering from Stanford University and an MBA from the University of California.


Beatstar is an innovative mobile rhythm game developed by Space Ape Games.

The game features songs by hundreds of popular music artists, and gives players the ability to play along by using different touch gestures on their phones.

It was reported that Beatstar generated $73m in revenues during 2022.